Zen Spaces

Zen Den is a relaxing massage space for the mind and body to bring harmony into your life. Zen is created with 3 themed therapy rooms bamboo forest, Japanese Zen, and Spiritual Nature.

Zen Den is a balance feng shui, yin & yang, peace harmony, relaxing the mind and body is therapy, and meditation through relaxing the body

Spiritual Nature Zen Room

This special room features a large window that allows natures breeze to flow over your body. The warn and natural light is filtered by beautiful trees that add to the earthly connection. You can feel space and flow the natural timber flooring and space ambiance delivers a peaceful energy and calm. 

Bamboo Zen Room

Your are surrounded with a the blessing of bamboo the feeling of the bamboo forest and a zen garden containing lucky bamboo growing on the energy of this special place. You can enjoy the warmth of a fireplace and aroma from essential oils as you relax your mind and body. 

Japanese Zen Room

Zen is about peace and harmony, if you would like a spiritual experience Zen can deliver a sinking bowl element that resonates to awaken your senses